Shirt: MintLA Boutique, similar here and here | Jeans: old, similar here and lusting for these | Pumps: J.Crew Factory, similar here | Purse: old (borrowed from mom), similar here and here | Necklace: J.Crew Factory | Watch: Michael Kors | Bracelets: kate spade, stella & dot | Sunnies: Ray-Ban, thinking about getting these | Nails: Essie - Fiji | Lips: Estee Lauder in Beige
The cool weather is starting to set-in, well in the morning and evening anyway. I always dress for brisk weather as I'm getting ready for work in the morning, but by the time I leave it's usually 75 degrees and I'm ditching my coat. This weekend I bought a few vests that I'm excited to try - they're perfect for when a coat is too hot but you need a little something extra!
I found this silky blouse at MintLA Boutique a while back, but it just wasn't "fall" enough to wear until now. Plaid is definitely a staple this season, and the colors in this blouse will go well with red or nude lipsticks and pumps. When I was prepping this blog post, it reminded me of my parents' living room...yes, their living room. When I was growing up, my parents had green and red plaid furniture and even matching drapes. I think we have pictures to prove it so I might have to do some digging, but who knew that 20 year old furniture could come back "in"... let's hope plaid stays on shirts and not on furniture in 20 years :)
Cheers to a good week! Thanks so much for reading.
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